Panch Gaum Leuva Patidar Samaj, Patan (5LP) is a social & charitable trust of people from the State of Gujarat, India. Panch Gaum Leuva Patidar Samaj, Patan is a social & charitable trust established in 1972 with the objective to service the community in the form of education and Medical aids to the economically weaker sections. We have in common a rich history and culture unlike any other. We have settled our families, opened our businesses, and practice our professions all across Patan. Panch Gaum Leuva Patidar Samaj has been formed by the migrated family members of Panch Gaum namely Sander, Balisana, Valam, Manund & Bhandu in Patan and its surrounding areas. Geographically Panch Gaum Leuva Patidar Samaj is situated in Patan and Mehsana Districts of north Gujarat.
Samaj consist of more than 900 families in and around Patan and it is involved in social, educational and religious activities in Patan region. The members have very strong bond with their ancestral origin and generously contribute for the upliftment and support to the community.